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Saturday, October 6, 2012

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My Future Prospects

If I go back to school, it's going to be at least a year from now. The earliest I could possibly start is the Fall 2013 school year. This means I don't want to get a job that will demand a long term commitment from me - unless it's a job that pays sufficiently well so that going back to school would be undesirable. I'm actually applying for a grant program that would make it unnecessary to go back to school. It's called HBOTT and instead of paying for you to go back to school, it pays you to work for an employer at comparable wages so that you can receive on the job training. It sounds good, and exactly like what I need, but I'm not sure I'll meet the eligibility requirements.

I'm a pretty stubborn person. Anyone who knows me well will probably tell you that's an understatement. When it comes to finding a job, I find myself resisting looking for minimum wage jobs that I could have gotten when I was in high school and probably by now would be some sort of manager. The reason I resist is not because I feel like those jobs are beneath me, but it makes me feel even more like the last 8 years of my life have been a waste. I'm 26 and at the moment I don't have any sort of meaningful prospect for my future.

Finding a job is hard. There is a lot of stuff listed on Craigslist, but I've been moving away from checking that because the number of scams on there is ridiculous. I've applied to most of the stores within a 5 minute drive from here and haven't heard back from anyone. I've applied for several full time teller positions at banks that were advertising the job and haven't heard back from anyone. Most places I ask for an application tell me to apply online, but then when you check the website you can only apply for specific positions that are listed as open, and there are no open positions. You don't have the chance to fill out an application and leave it in case a position becomes available tomorrow. I'd say about 80% of the places I go to apply at fit this scenario.


I'm sure I'll figure something out eventually. I'm just glad I found a way to be productive in my spare time. I know I'm not the only one that is being effected by tough times, and that's why I'm sharing the methods I've found to make a few extra bucks. The ones I've blogged about so far are relatively short and fit well into one post.  Next time I'll talk about what is my second best money earner, Swagbucks.

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